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The issues “use of paper” and “transport to and from school” were the
two with the highest subjective perception of insufficient attention or
neglect on the part of our school community.
The following students volunteered: Lara H. (6B), Catalina N. and Lucía
C. (6A), Franco L. (5A), Juan Manuel H. (5D), Alexander W. (4A), Valentina
C., Emilia F. T., Lara D. F. and Catalina U. (3C). With this team we worked
on our primary goal: to reduce the carbon footprint that the
transportation to our school produces and to rise awareness about it.
We worked together during lunch times and a whole afternoon in
preparing the position paper, the opening speech, the solutions as well
as the consideration of implications, responsible actors and budgets
for our solutions.
On Friday 21st, at 14:30 we were received in Lincoln school to initiate
the summit. The conference was based on the flow of debate in a
Model United Nations conference (MNU).
The opening speech was held by Lara H. and Catalina N.. An excerpt of
the speech follows:
“Our school prepares us for our
futures. For us to be healthy, critical
individuals, capable of rethinking and
reshaping our prospects. But it still
hasn't fully taken into consideration
one vital aspect of our future lives and
it is our planet and how to take care of
it. A normal and reasonable question
could be, why are we here? And the
answer is simple. Because we care. We
care about our future.We care about
the planet and all the living beings that
inhabit it. We, the Goethe Schule, will
begin to care, and we would be glad if
you wanted to do so as well”
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